Jason Mitchell

Sports and fitness have been integral parts of Jason’s life, from an early age he was a competitive swimmer and parlayed that into 6 years of being a certified swim instructor and lifeguard, throughout high school and college. He grew up in New Mexico and during the winters was also a snow ski instructor. During college he began an avid running career, averaging 20 – 30 miles a week, progressing to half marathons, and then on to competing in triathlons. As a remedy for the aches, pains, and tightness that were associated with running and triathlon training, he started an aggressive yoga practice. When a broken femur ended his running and triathlon career. His personal trainer introduced him to Studio 6 as a rehab and pre-hab, and he has been hooked ever since. In his words, ‘Studio 6 is exactly what I needed, intensity without injury.”